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Tuesday, July 24, 2018


The new cat is showing her roots.  Once in a while, she reminds she wasn't raised indoors.  She & I have are  warring over her decision to imitate an alarm clock way too early in the morning.  Now, when she sounds off, I swat at her like hitting the snooze button.  

She made a it of a mess yesterday & we had to go to Fort Smith to get the means to fix it.   Luckily, it was a cooler day & the trip went well.  We got there, got what we needed & got home.  The trip was easy & didn't exhaust me.  I wish more trips were like this.

It's supposed to heat up again tomorrow.  Luckily not too much.  Then it's supposed to be relatively cool for Summer over the following week or so.   We'll see if the forecast holds up.

Take care.


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