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Friday, July 6, 2018

More Boohoos...

I read articles about dating apps & people being rejected or pre-excluded.  They get their "feels" hurt & go on twitter rampages.  Everyone pre-excludes.  It's just on these apps, it's right there in your face.    There are tons of things I would pre-exclude.  I have no interest in people who are religious, overly political, overly ideological.  I prefer more grounded people, but not so much they have no imagination or appreciation of such things.  

Some people have no interest in dating a variety of people.  Some just want to date people pretty much like them.  That's OK.  It's their life & they get to choose who they date.   They don't have to date anyone they don't want to. Forcing them to date someone would be akin to social rape. 

Today's article on this matter was regarding HIV+ people.  A lot of people don't want to date people with illnesses, especially a virus like HIV.  That's their right.  Accept they didn't choose you & move on. You do not have the right to force yourself on them just because you don't want your feelings hurt.

Got an idea.  Get off the dating apps.  Try meeting people in real life & maybe they might get to know you past the HIV issue.  Then they might find a reason to invest their time in you.  This is on you, not them.


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