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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy July 4th...

My roomie & I are super into the 4th of July.  No, not really.  Neither of us into fireworks, or the smoke & noise.   I can understand people's desire to have them.  To go watch displays.  They're beautiful, even if loud & smelly.   

For some, this is the main release of the Summer.  They might get together with friends & family for a small cook-out.   Our town doesn't have an operating pool right now & the city park is a pretty awful.  There isn't much for the poorer people to do or ways to socialize.  There's only so much time anyone can spend at Walmart.

I might not get much out of this holiday, but for those that do, enjoy.  Get lost in the lights.  Laugh with your friends.  Forget about it all, at least for a few moments.  Try to not set yourself or anything else on fire.  Happy 4th of July.


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