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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Morning Yuck...

This morning & I are not getting along.  The overnight humidity kicked my butt.  I'm tired & achy.  I'm very happy I don't have to go anywhere this morning. I don't think I could have handled it.  

I keep reading about that asshat cheeto Trump taking funds from Ryan White to pay for his crap.  I don't know what all this mean or how it will impact me.  It could cause a lot of problems for a number of people.  Thank you to all the jackasses who voted for the piece of filth.

I'm done trying to be pleasant to people who have goals that would harm me & my means of living.  There's no point in talking to them.  It's their religion to be hateful & cruel. They embrace a level of indulgent stupidity I just can't handle.   If you feel this might include you, I have no interest in discussing it.  I won't waste what little energy I have on you.

This is not a good morning.


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