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Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year 2016...

It's January 1, 2016.  In just 2 days I'll have another anniversary of my HIV diagnosis back in 2000. So, hello 2016, let's make this a good year.   I don't really have a lot of expectations.  I can do with as little drama & agita as possible.  That'd be good.

A new year tarts with bills of course.  We'll handle them on Monday, after I go see my doctor for my quarterly with him.  Maybe I'll find out something about this thyroid thing.  

The holidays are over & I have to admit I'm glad.  They can be tiring & disruptive.  I did enjoy what we did for them though.   Hopefully, it's a thing we can keep going.

My best wishes for your upcoming year.


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