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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Cold & Worn Out....

I guess yesterday got  to me somehow.  By mid afternoon, I was feeling queasy & bloated.   It lasted well into the evening & then I was just exhausted.   I slept really deep last night.  

So far, I'm feeling better, we'll see how this afternoon goes.  I've to get cleaned up & try to get in contact with my pharmacy about my new med.  That should be loads of fun.

I read a few articles & most we're dealing with stuff I've blogged about a lot.  Among the most common topics is the idea of ending HIV.  Honestly, I don't think HIV will be dealt with in my lifetime.  

It's going to take things most people of this world aren't ready to do.  They aren't ready to look at healthcare as something that should include everyone.  They aren't ready to let go of their fears & hate.   They need HIV to add more division among people.  They seem to revel in those things that separate us all.  As long as is we're focusing on the differences we'll never come together & deal with things like HIV.


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