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Friday, January 8, 2016


We have some stuff to do today & it'll have to get done in stages or it won't happen.  If it does somehow happen, I won't be doing well tomorrow. None of what we have to do is big stuff, it's just a lot of little, everyday stuff.  I just know I won't have the spoons to everything we have planned today if I try to just plow through it.  So some will happen this morning, some later on & then some in the afternoon.

That's just life for me  now.  I may feel normal, but if I try to push things like I used to, I'd definitely pay for it. Welcome to life with HIV or probably any other chronic illness that causes fatigue.  This is just 1 of the many adjustments being + will force  you to make in  your life.  Just remember that the next time someone tells you they're not worried about getting HIV.   They think they'll just pop a pill or 2 & life will go as normal,  Ha, seriously HA!  Naive little things.


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