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Thursday, January 28, 2016

$ & Healing....

Matters of healing & health should never combine with those of profit & wealth.  Doing so limits healing & ensures greed & suffering.    This article is about how the Attorney General of Massachusetts is suing Gilead Sciences for what appears to be price gouging concering medications for with HIV & Hep C.

Gilead was sued by the  AIDS Healthcare Foundation.  They are seeking to invalidate the patents over the HIV med Tenofovir.    They claim the company prolonged the shelf life & endangered the patients by not addressing safety concerns with the drug until it was profitable.  Doing this would extend the patent & keep the medication from being produced in a generic form.

Massachusetts' suit was primarily to prompt the company to lower their prices on these life saving medications.  Some of their Hep C meds are over a $1,000/day.  A 12 week course of a med can run just shy of a 100K.  These prices are bankrupting states medicaid programs & other agencies trying to supply these medications.  They totally prohibitive for all but the most wealthy.

What's going to come from this?  I don't know.  But, it's certainly something to watch.


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