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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

4 Things...

Shocker, I still hate cold weather & what it does to my health. This is probably never going to change.  At least, it's warmer than yesterday.

Again, my pharmacy screwed up my order & I can't start my new med yet.  I was supposed to start my new thyroid med today.  That won't happen until Thursday most likely,   Thanks CVS.

Many are rightfully saddened by the passing of David Bowie.  It's very strange to know a man who's music who shaped your world won't be making anymore music.   This time the changes are sad.

This brings us to HIV & pregnancy.  I'm very happy with the advancements medicine has made in insuring the safe delivery of babies to mothers who are +.  That said, I find those discordant couples (1+ & 1 not) who are purposely trying to conceive to be indulgent, ego driven & borderline, criminally negligent.  Yes, I said that.  

Under the best of circumstances, with all precautions taken, there is still always a risk of transmitting HIV.   The risk may be minimal, but it's there.  In this case of purposely trying to become pregnant while 1 partner is +, the chance is significantly higher.  These people aren't only risking the other partner's health, but possibly that of the infant they so desire.

This is ridiculous.  It's dangerous.  It's egotistical,  Adopt or do without.  Don't risk creating a life that will start out +.  I might very have killed someone if I was born + & found out the only reason why was because my spoiled parents just had to have a baby of their very own.  This decision will never be about anything else than self-serving, narcissistic greed.

Rant's over.  Go away cold weather.  Get with it pharmacy.  Best journeys to Mr. Bowie.  & get over yourselves needy people.


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