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Sunday, January 10, 2016


Last night was our 1st truly frigid night of the year.  We were down into the teens.  I had the water dripping by 10 last night & it's still dripping past noon.   We're supposed to get up to 37, but so far we've only made it to 29.  I hate cold weather.  It makes typing a challenge.

I hope this stuff finally kills off the grass, fire-ants, fleas & all the other nuisance pests.   Last Winter didn't seem to kill them off as well as it should have.  Still this is the 1st serious cold snap we've had.  The little vermin will probably just huddle down deeper in the ground.

Even bundled up, I'm still chilly.  This weather isn't doing any good for my health either.  It's cold, but staying really wet.  Not a good combo.  

Until tomorrow, stay safe & warm.


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