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Thursday, January 21, 2016


Its' weird, I'm no super blogger, I'm not even that on top of things I like to post about.  I try to stay current, but there's a lot out there I just don't come across some things in a timely manner.  Still, somehow I stay ahead of most news broadcasts.

I posted a few days ago about low teenage HIV testing numbers.  It wasn't until the next day the actual news ran a story on it.   Why is that?  This isn't the 1st occurrence I've had of being days to weeks ahead of televised news.

Is it they just have some much to say about crap news like the Kardashians or sports.  Or, could it be  HIV just doesn't merit timely reporting?  Either way, there's no reason why a blogger like myself should be ahead of the media on much of anything.  I may have my own takes on the info, but they should've ran with it way before I did.

Really important matters are often crowded out for sensational topics all the time.  We can't expect the news to be much of a source for anything these days.   Hell, they're not even that good at handling weather reports.  If there's something out there important to you & you need info on it, go research it yourself.  It's unlikely the media will ever cover it in a reasonable time frame.


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