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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Med Issues & HIV...

OK, my pharmacy still isn't on board with my new med yet, no surprise there.  They say call back later today.  Same thing they said yesterday.  Acquired Hypothyroidism is what my doctor is calling this condition.   I have it in my family (always before in women) & I have HIV.  Even though my numbers are good, my body is still being affected.  Thyroid issues are reasonably common in HIV patients.  The thyroid can seriously mess you up.  Google it.

This med has caused me to shuffle again.  The problem here is it has interactions with my other meds & needs to be taken on an empty stomach.  I already have a med that needs to be taken on an empty stomach & it's 1 of the drugs this new Levothyroxine doesn't like.  

This new med interacts with my Didanosine, Norvir & even my multivitamins.   Most the drug interactions I've faced have altered the efficacy of my HIV meds.  That's not the case this time.  In this instance my other meds are lowering the efficacy of the thyroid med.    They'll have to be spaced out & the new 1 will have to be taken some ways after eating.  New meds are always so much fun.

OK, let's talk about drug interactions again.  They happen all the time & your doctor may not know about them. You need to know about them.  It could literally save your life.  If you find 1 talk to your doctor about it.  Here are 2 websites for checking your medications for interactions.


PS - I saw a trailer for a new movie about HIV survivors coming, check it out, Desert Migration.

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