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Friday, January 29, 2016


This article details how in some parts of the world people are dealing with uncontrolled HIV even while on a drug regimen.  This is  often due to a resistance to the drug, Tenofovir.   There are 2 ways in which this can happen.  People on a drug regimen with Tenofovir fail to follow the regimen as directed or they're infected by someone with HIV already resistant to the medication.  

Tenofovir is a widely used antiviral medication for both HIV & hepatitis.  If this drug is compromised, the ramifications could be huge.  There are other medications, but they're often more costly & their regimens more complex.   This medication is used alone & in combination with other drugs.  

This could  jeopardize the efficacy of some of the most common HIV drugs.  Among them, Truvada, the medication being pushed for PrEP.  Truvada is made up of Tenofovir & Emtricitabine.   This medication would be far less effective in preventing HIV or fighting it,  if the virus was already resistant to Tenofovir. 

This article makes 3 points for me.  You must always implement safer sex practices.  You need to stay on top  of your drug regimen.  Finally, a lot of people's fears concerning PrEP are being legitimized.   I was never sold on the idea Truvada was going to save us all.   With a Tenofovir resistant strain of  HIV out there, there's no way this medication can be the panacea or silver bullet it's been touted to be. 


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