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Friday, January 15, 2016


HIV is a chronic condition.  For those of you who don't understand that term, please follow the link to the wiki page over the matter. It lists a few dozen examples.   All of those ailments are permanently, or close to it, life altering.

Chronic means long-lasting & for many of these ailments, it means forever.   It isn't a cold or the flu.  It isn't even a minor break or stitches.  It's a life changing diagnosis, an unwanted goft you can't return or exchange.

HIV is your forever virus & you're it's forever home.  It will be with you at every moment of your  life whether you treat it or not.  Like a really annoying dog that you can't pet & it won't fetch or rollover. Mind you, your life will be a lot shorter if you don't treat it.  

What else is chronic with HIV?  You'll never feel exactly the same ever again.  You'll be a regimen forever.  You'll have to deal with doctors, lab techs & pharmacies from your diagnosis on.  You'll have to deal with the stupid, the ignorant & the hateful.  

As time goes on HIV & it's treatment will permeate every part of your life.  You will be so sick of dealing with it, with doctors, with pharmacists, with having your blood drawn, having to take your meds, having people look at you weird, the list goes on.  Some days you will be sick of everything.

What does having a chronic condition  mean?  It means having every day of your life from there out violated by this thing, whatever it is from HIV to diabetes to cerebral palsy.  It means someday you'll hate those meds that keep you going.  Because they're a nuisance to your life, because they're a reminder of that thing that plagues you, because sometimes they can actually make you feel worse than you already do.

For all of you out there who think, if I become HIV+, I can just take a pill, wake up you idiots.  Yes there are meds.  But your life will never be the same again.  BTW, those meds cost a lot of $.  How are you going to pay for them?    Seriously, good luck with that.  Also, people notice you taking pills all the time & they'll ask about it.  Not that it's any of their business, but they'll ask.  Plenty of people will treat differently & badly just because you're +.  No little pill will fix that.

What does chronic mean to me?  It means something that seriously sucks, but you live with it.  Because the only other option is dying.


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