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Friday, January 22, 2016

Too Little, Too Late....

For some time now, Russia has reveled in it's anti-gay status.  If it's gay in any way, even by association, they've banned it, made it illegal & used other tactics to make being gay in Russia a very dangerous thing.

Among those things still associated with being gay is HIV.   Russia has done very little to handle HIV within their borders.  Now, they're facing a point when HIV will move from the fringes of society into mainstream.  Some have estimated as much as 1% of the Russia population is +.

Because of this country's knee-jerk reactions, ignorance & hatred, they could very well become the next most highly infected state.  All of this could've been avoided, but hey, it was only hitting gays & druggies.  Why should we care?  Let nature destroy those people.  Now, nature has it's eyes on all your people, Russia.  Way to go, really smart.

Can Russia turn this around?  Yes.  But, will they?  That'd mean dealing with things they chosen not  to for so long.   The problem here is like it's been everywhere else.  What happens in Russia won't stay there.  It'll spread to its neighbors.   It'll move out into the world & the impact could be phenomenal.  

Thank you Russia for pushing the war on HIV back a couple of decades.


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