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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Testing & Teens...

According to this article based on CDC research the following holds true for American teens.

  • Of the 50,000 new cases of HIV each year, 25% are in people 13 -24.
  • Fewer than 25%  of sexually active high schoolers have been tested.
  • Nearly half of all high schooler have had sex, often without condoms.
  • 15% have had multiple partners.
  • The more sexually active teens are the least apt to have been tested.
  • The HIV rates are higher in males & significantly more so in minorities.

These numbers point to a huge amount of teens becoming + every year.  But still, we have precious little in adequate sex ed.   We hang on to antiquated methods of avoidance, shame & ignorance.  Leaving these teens too scared & ignorant to be tested.   

This society has to get past it's hang ups regarding sex, homosexuality & religion.  If not, HIV will continue to take it's toll on young people.  People, who if they're lucky, will be on HIV regimens for the rest of their lives, costing billions.  

If not, they'll die.  But, hey at least the conservative asshats got to hold on to their values.  Isn't that enough?   What's a few sick or dead teens?  Just collateral damage.


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