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Saturday, January 9, 2016

20 + Years Later...

Since the 1980's, HIV activist have been pushing needle exchange as a simple approach to lessening the spread of the virus.  But, some people equivocated the program to those supporting sex ed & easy access to birth control.  These hyper conservative, usually highly religious, folks decided these programs would only encourage people to engage in behavior that went against their believes.  So, they blocked almost all similar prevention programs.

Decades later, during a nation wide, opioid epidemic, HIV, hepatitis & other bloodborne illnesses are spreading at record rates in non-typical communities.  Like what we've seen in Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana.  It's taken this to get local governments to see the value of easily accessible needle exchange programs.  

Too bad Federal funding for such programs has remained almost entirely block since the late 1980's.   With all the evidence  available to the efficacy of such programs, we now know how utterly horrible a decision it was to block these efforts. The (in)actions of the federal government have greatly contributed to the spread of HIV in this country.   Thanks a lot.

Yet again, some groups' BS belief systems have caused great harm to other Americans.  Many not even taking part in these twisted fairy tales & their preachings.   Due to blind conservative hatred & religious zealotry,  a lot of people are + who didn't have to be.  If only these people had kept their beliefs to themselves.

Finally, the federal government has lifted the ban for funding on needle exchange programs.  I wish I could say better late than never, but it's more like the needle & the damage done.  Sorry to paraphrase there.


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