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Friday, April 24, 2015

Yet Again...

This article is about a Pennsylvanian doctor settling a discrimination case against a + man & his family.   The results of this legal action are good, but the article just points out acts of discrimination against + people flourish in our country.  They're prevalent among medical workers who should know better.  

These articles reporting medical prejudice & negligence in regards to HIV & those living with it come way too often.  This isn't new.  HIV is a well understood phenomenon,  No reasoning behind an act of discrimination versus a + person is justifiable.  No act of medical negligence regarding any infectious disease is excusable.  

How are people supposed to come out into the open about their HIV status if they can't even trust their doctors?  They can't.  Most of them can't risk the consequences of others acts of hatred, fear & ignorance against them & their families.

Sorry to go all sci-fi on you here, but it's like Yoda said.  "Fear is the path to the dark side.  Fear leads to anger.  Anger leads to hate.  Hate leads to suffering."  A lot of the USA is already on the dark side.  This is a time of fear mongering & marketing hatred.  Sounds like conservative politics & most religious ideology to me.


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