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Thursday, April 30, 2015

After Rant...

OK, I'm a little calmer today about the crap news I got yesterday.   I'm not sure what happened to the telemedicine bus this time & honestly I don't care.   I don't have a lot of faith in doctors as it is & my specialist's office is racing towards destroying what little I have in them.   I'm not going to deal with that today though.

Today's topic is odd after yesterday's rant about my problems with my doctors & telemedicine.    No, I want to talk about something else, still related though.  Even though I'm having problems with specialist & the bust.  Even though I'm wondering if my pharmacy will actually deliver my medicine today like they're said they would.   Even though I think most doctors can be arrogant, greedy flakes.   I'm still fortunate.

Yes, I said fortunate.  I'm lucky, I actually have the luxury of having these issues to gripe about.  I have medicaid, not great medical coverage, but way better than no insurance at all.     I have access to doctors, specialists & mediation.  Many people still don't, even with the Affordable Care Act.

So, yes, my doctors can be difficult to deal with & very frustrating.  Yes, my pharmacy can be completely erratic.  I still am fortunate enough to have something.  I at least have this umbrella which is more than a lot of folks.  

Never say, "Things can't get any worse."  The universe will always prove you wrong.  So, this is me trying to be thankful.


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