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Monday, April 27, 2015

Proto Plans..

We don't always have the luxury of having all the info or forewarning.   Sometimes, often due to forces beyond your control, you will face situations you just weren't ready for,  They weren't on the list of to-do's.   They weren't even on the might plan-for's.

My roomie hit a situation like that today.  I won't go into to detail, but I'm happy with how she handled it.  Not that my opinion is the point here.  To begin with, she did handle it & not put it off.    Next, she  found out as much info as she could about the situation.  Then she made a preliminary plan.  Knowing this plan may not hold up, because it was put together with limited details, she also made contingency plans in case this 1 falls apart.

During these kind of situations, its OK to be annoyed or even angry.  If the instance is bad enough, panic is even a normal reaction.  Give yourself a bit to process those things, but only a bit.   Those emotions need to be recognized, but they won't fix the situation. 

Once you've recognized the problem.  You need to take the time to process what it means & how you feel about it.  After that you can move ahead with actual strategizing.   Just understand your initial plan may not hold & you may have to make some decisions on the fly.  That's not optimum, but sometimes it can't be avoided.  

The plan will probably need kinks worked out, but that's the nature of things.  Plan making is a great skill to have.  Having some basic strategies always make things easier.  You need to think ahead a bit.  Things do happen that we weren't expecting.


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