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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Going Healthy Backfire...

My roomie & I have been trying to eat better for a while. 1 of those ways was having beans on the weekend.  Beans are healthy, cheap & diverse.  You can fix different beans & styles & change everything up. 

We've tried an approach to great northern beans that just isn't working out for us.  The recipe cooks them as normal, but adds a bunch (bag of frozen) collard greens.  We liked them.  They didn't like us.  My stomach was a little put off the 1st time we ate them, I just brushed it off as allergy induced stomach yuck.

This time, my bodies reaction was far worse.  These beans & greens were giving me all sorts of gastrointestinal issues.   Jill Scott has this quote from her song Love Rains Down,  "Wide open, wide loose like bowels after collard greens."

My stomach doesn't need any help being difficult.  My meds do that well enough.  I certainly don't need to sympathize with a lyric like that.

So, this attempt to eat healthier is being adjusted.  The beans will stay.  But just say no to collard greens.  


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