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Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Stupidity Of Indiana Worsens...

Never mind they have an outbreak of HIV in small town Indiana.  Forget the governor pulled his head out & started a needle exchange program.   The town's HIV rate which is already 20 times higher than normal for them, is still increasing.

Why?  Because the people who could benefit from this program are scared to take part init due to cops.  Yes, even though this is legal at this time, any person partaking in this this needle exchange program may find themselves targets of a raid.  Then they will have those needles confiscated & could face a felony charge of 3 years per syringe.

Most of these people won't risk being targeted by the police.  So, they'll continue as is & the virus will continue to spread.  Seriously stupid cops.    Just another sign of how conservatism will always fail in any dealings with HIV, drugs or the poor.  But, that's pretty much how they like things.


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