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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Seriously P.O.'ed...

OK, I'm just getting my morning crap around.  I'm trying to deal with stupid Windows updates & get them over with so they won't bother me for the rest of the day.   You know, trying to make my day a little less hectic.  I barely get that done & those idiots that run Telemedicine from my HIV specialist in Tulsa call me.

Oh we're sorry, but you're appointment's been cancelled.  Telemedicine is out again & we don't have an F'n clue about anything regarding the matter.  We're sorry for any inconvenience we've caused.  Like hell they are.  They aren't the people that will have to drive 2+ frickin' hours just to get there waster 30 minutes & then drive that far back again.

I'm not a big fan of change to begin with when it comes to my life.  At least not change I didn't try to orchestrate.    I'm especially hateful towards alterations that other people force on me due to their incompetence.   I'm wishing seriously bad things on whoever screwed Telemedicine over this time.  I hope they suffer unbearable migraines every time someone has to make the drive to Tulsa, because the messed up the bus.  Asshats!

My rant's over for now.  I suppose this is what I get for living in rural Oklahoma.  I'm not in a good place right now.


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