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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sort Of Against The Grain...

There are several articles out about Victoria, Australia  pushing for the repeal of a 90's law passed to criminalize the intentional spread of HIV.   I'm of 2 minds on this.  As the law stands now, it seems to be entirely aimed at HIV transmission.  That's just stupid.   What if I purposely gave someone TB, Hep C, Ebola or some other life threatening disease?  Would that be just honky dory?  From what I can tell of this law, it couldn't be used against such a case.

This law shouldn't be limited to HIV, it should be include the active, knowing transmission of any serious illness that could result in death or permanent alteration in a person's life.  HIV is far from being the top killer among diseases.

While, I do think the law should be altered to be more applicable to other diseases, I don't think it should be eliminated.   I'm sure I'll get hisses from that, but whatever.  To intentionally spread HIV should be a punishable offense.   It might not kill a person these days, but it will forever alter their life.  

They say that laws like this will only further ostracize + people.  I call BS on that.  Its simple, once you know you're +, don't screw around.  There is no such thing as safe sex, only "safer."  This isn't a matter of consent either.  No one can knowingly consent to becoming HIV +,  There's no way, that any one not infected with HIV, can fully understand what its like to be +.   

That's like me saying I understand what its like to be a severe diabetic.  I've know people who were.  I've even known someone who died of diabetes.  Still, I don't know what its like to have that ailment.

Any knowing transmission of HIV should be viewed as an act of aggression.  There should be serious sanctions against it.   It costs the infected, those around them & whoever is actually paying for the care of the infected.   HIV isn't the chicken pox or even a cold.  It won't be cured in the foreseeable future & it can kill you.  


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