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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Allergy Med Hell...

I've talked before about how I don't handle taking allergy meds for extended periods very well.   Turns out other than over drying out my sinuses & some nose bleeds, there are other issues as well.  These I wasn't even associating with the meds until I did some more digging. 

I admit there's been a lot of holiday candy in the last few months, but not enough to count for how weight I've gained back.    I've just been really hungry the last several months.   Turns out a lot of people on allergy meds like Claritin report that.  It can also led to inflammation.    After waking up feeling like a blimp, I started doing some research.  

This med can also lead to issues with sleep, anxiety & depression.  Just Freakin' Yippie!  The real kicker for me was 1 of the primary reasons I started taking allergy meds.  It can cause irritated, blurred vision & red eyes.  That was just a wonderful find.

I should've researched this more, but most of these weren't on the manufacturers list of reactions.  Never trust their list to be complete.  I should've & did know that.  I just got careless.  If you're having an issue with a med, Google it.  Its almost certain someone else is having the exact same issue you are.

From now on, unless I'm just miserable, the allergy meds a no go.  I guess, I'll just have to stick to allergy drops for my eye issues.  Those things work, but there's always that initial sting.  Oh well, lesson learned.


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