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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Stupid Arguments...

I've been writing a about the HIV outbreak in Indiana.  The primary cause was IV drug use.  This could've been prevented via a clean needle exchange program.  But a STUPID, conservative argument curtailed such programs.  The same approach slashed at providing condoms, sex ed  & methadone .  

These idiots that call themselves conservatives argued providing needles, condoms, information about sex or methadone was tantamount to encouraging drug use & promiscuity.  This reasoning was flawed when it was 1st envisioned & is seriously unethical now.

Every time these approaches have been employed via removal of sex ed, restraining access to condoms, eliminating methadone centers & the like, it has only ended in horrific failure.  No abstinence program has ever worked, nor will they.  Their use resulted in higher teen pregnancy rates.  After years of decline due to access to birth control & sex ed.

This gateway idea is ludicrous.  Just because you offer condoms doesn't make people have sex.  Just because there are clean needles, won't make people decide to use IV drugs.  Wake up, this perspective is wrong.  The people who promote this type of thinking don't care about anyone impacted by their actions.  They only care about their ideology.   So what if a bunch of people got HIV via needles.  At least we got our way.


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