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Friday, April 17, 2015

Still Spreading...

The news keeps talking about the outbreak in Indiana.   I'm not sure why anyone is surprised about this. They didn't do anything to prevent it.  In fact, they did quite the opposite.   The family planning center in the area closed due to restraints  placed by the  state.  It was 1, if not the only, place that had free testing for HIV.

Overly conservative Indiana wasn't promoting HIV education, testing or anything else that might have prevented this outbreak.  This wasn't a surprise.  This area is very destitute.  It has high  rates of unemployment &  drug use.  This was mostly a matter a dirty needles.  Only recently did the government open a needle exchange program.  

What happened in Indiana was preventable.  However, the means of prevention clashed with some peoples ideologies.  Therefore, any measure that could've been taken was refused.  Now, its too late.  The virus has spread more.  You can't go running barefoot through a yard you know is full of stickers, burrs & bees, then complain when you got stuck or stung.

Way to go Indiana.


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