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Monday, April 20, 2015

Chill Down..

We had an abrupt storm yesterday.  The storm was expected, the hail wasn't.  Hail poured down for almost 20 minutes & covered the yard.  The rain was still pouring & the wind roaring.  The trees lost a lot of leaves.   After it ended, everything was covered in bumpy ice.  The heat of the ground quickly melted the hail causing a 15 minute steam bath.

This happened so quickly & harshly, some local weather equipment read the temperatures had fallen way below -20 F.   Of course it hadn't.  The  equipment was just overwhelmed.  It quickly reset.  Even so, the temperatures did do a pretty significant drop.  This morning was a little chilly & it still hasn't warmed up yet.

We were lucky.  So far, we haven't noticed any hail damage.  A lot of people in the area had significant damage from the storm.   The storm has passed for now & the sun is shining.  


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