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Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Indiana Saga Continues...

The outbreak of HIV, Hep C & who knows what else continues in Indiana.   In what was a reasonably  avoidable incident of mass HIV transmission, the state's conservative politics plunged it into a disease situation so serious the threat is now recognized by the federal government & the CDC.  
Recently, the governor has shot from the hip with a little-too-little attempts to control the situation.   However, not everyone's been on the same page with those efforts.   The only thing for certain is that this will get worse before it gets better.  

This county is starting to feel the sting of the outbreak as well.  Shop owners are losing sales from out of town folks, who are choosing to go elsewhere.  There's been reports of tension at local sporting events aimed at local kids.  

Now, the stigma of HIV is starting to carry over to the whole area.  This area will be known as that poor, little area of drug users that spread all those diseases.  Soon, if you're from this area, people will just assume your HIV + or have Hep C or both.  They'll probably think you're a drug user.

A lot of people are going to pay for something that could've been avoided.  Testing & education in regards to HIV, STD's & drugs could've gone a long way here to lessened the impact of this situation.  But those type of things are big No-No's in the conservative landscape.  

Who knows where this will end?   I don't.  But I do know that a lot of people are going to be + & possibly infected with other illnesses as well.   I know this area will have a public relations nightmare for years to come.  I know this is far from over.  Way to go Indiana.  Thanks for making Oklahoma looking less crazy.


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