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Friday, April 10, 2015

The You Show...

People spend a lot of time telling us, "Its not all about you" or "Its not the 'You' show."  OK, maybe some of us do get a little limelight happy.  But, there are times, when  the stage is yours, so sing on.

There are a lot of articles about living with HIV.  How it really isn't that bad anymore.  A lot are by people who aren't + & are speaking entirely 2nd hand.  To those people, please shut up.  Then there are those articles written by + people.  These range from life with HIV is horrid to its like living a freaking musical.  

Go ahead & read all those articles you can find.  There might be something in them that makes your life a little easier.  If you do, that's great.  But, if you don't, those are other people's words & other people's stories.  This is your's.

There are a lot of + people in the world.  Many share common characteristics beyond having HIV, but some don't.   I'm white, gay, in my 40's living in rural Oklahoma.  I'm not sure how much in common I have straight, + woman in Moscow or anyone from South Africa.

A lot of articles & people are going to have opinions & information regarding your HIV.  Take what you can use & dump the rest.    Having HIV is a weird thing, there are a lot of common things about, but everyone of our experiences will be somewhat different.

In this case you are the special snowflake & its your show, your song, your stage.  So fill it up.  No one else will.  Pick an anthem from "Its My Party," to "Its My Life" & let it roar.

This is your journey.  I hope you find people to help you along the way.  There's no yellow brick road or a wizard.  There's no going backwards, so forward is the only option.  Just do it your way.


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