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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Dark & Gloomy...

The sky's very overcast this morning.  It'll probably rain soon.  If not, its just a lot drear for nothing.  

The house is quiet. Nothing but the dryer making any sound at all.  The cats are all sleeping & my roomie is headed to an appointment>  She'll be gone most the day.

I'll take out trash later.  But right now, I'm just trying to get through my other Wednesday stuff.  

There's a movie I need to watch.  Hopefully the net will behave well enough to let me see it.  There's always an uncertainty on these matters when the weather's iffy.

I need to go get blood drawn for labs next week.  I have a specialist appointment & a regular exam next month.   I'm not foreseeing any problems.  

That's all for now.


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