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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Pleasant Day...

Today is turning out to be rather pleasant so far.  The weather's nice & my allergies aren't being hellish.  The forecast says we could have some bad storms tomorrow.  But, for now, its nice.

I can be a hard thing for me to live in the moment.  I'm usually trying to prepare things a few steps ahead or thinking of other things.   Sometimes its nice just to be in the now & forget the rest even for just  a moment or so.  Its not something I do well.

We clipped some winter bushes back yesterday.  The bushes usually obscure the view.  Now I can see the yard & get more light.  We leave the bushes high during the Winter, because  birds hide in them & eat the berries.  Its Spring & those birds have other options.

For the moment, I'll try to stay in the now.  


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