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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Trying To Recover...

My dentist appointment went fine.  But yesterday was a tiring, energy zapping bitch.   I've talked before about how my meds make me sensitive to heat & light.    Yesterday was hell on that matter.  

It only got to 93 F, but the heat index was nearing 120.  The ride home was tiring.  We stopped at Wendy's & ate in the AC.  It was nice, but the refreshing effect died as soon as we were back on the road again.   

We should've turned on the AC when we got home, but we were tired & just wanted to lay down.  For us turning on the AC means closing all the windows & doors.   In this house that's 15 doors & windows that need closing & none of the windows work easily.

It was quite late before the weather settled & began to cool down a little.  Sleep didn't come that easy.  Now today, the humidity is back on the rise & it's supposed to be hotter than yesterday.  Oh Yippie!   I'm still depleted from the day before & now this is revving up.  Wonderful.


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