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Friday, August 23, 2013

Another Friday...

I'm a little zapped right now.  I had to go shopping this morning.  Normally, that isn't a very physically taxing thing.  However, I was already a little wheezy due to allergies.  Then I got to Walmart, which seemingly doesn't turn on it's AC anymore.  The place was sweltering.  I opened a cooler door to get something & condensation just poured off of it onto the floor.

By the time I was getting out of the store, I was shot.  I was hot & not having an easy time catching my breath.   We finally made it home & I got cleaned up & ate.  I'm starting to feel better, but not great.  

This is just another 1 of those things I have to deal with now.  This is another place where my HIV & other circumstances collide & knock me for a loop.  The allergens weren't horrid.  The temperature wasn't that hot.  The humidity was high, but not awfully so.  The store wasn't that busy.   But all those things combined was a bit of an overload for me at that moment.  You can't really count for those things.  Still they happen.  Tomorrow, could be exactly the same & I could handle it fine.  I just never know.  That's another thing that really sucks about being +, the uncertainty.


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