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Monday, August 19, 2013

Hurried Morning...

Playing catch up with my online things today.  We had to go shopping.  In addition, I forgot to stop by & pick up my lab results from my primary doctor, so i could have them when I met with my specialist at telemedicine. 

I usually do this a week before my appointment, not 2 days.  I'm glad everything worked out alright.  There wouldn't have been time for any redraws.  Both the lab & my doctor tell me they fax the results up, but somehow they never seem to make it too my specialist, so I always take them with me.    My numbers were good for me.

We had to make multiple shopping trips this morning.  Walmart was out of potatoes.  Not just the type I wanted, but utterly tapped on spuds.  2 Weeks ago, it was tomatoes & onion & now potatoes.  Maybe someone's making a lot of stew or something.

Back to catching up on everything I should've got done this morning. 


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