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Sunday, August 4, 2013


When I woke up this morning it was 78 F & 100 % humidity.  How the hell can it be 100% & not rain?   That only gave us a heat index of 81, but still it was hard to breathe.

I slept alright last night, but mainly due to me going to bed earlier & being asleep longer.   The 1st thing I heard from my roomie this morning was her taking a shower.   She took a shower because she woke up drenched.

This is August.  It's supposed to be hot & dry.  The grass should be dead.   The fleas should be dead.  But, no...  The air is drenched . The grass is green & the fleas are doing well.  The main benefit of August in Oklahoma is knowing your grass is dead & you don't have to mow again until late September or possibly even October.  Hopefully, we'll dry off or cool down soon.  This weather is making it hard to do anything.  


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