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Wednesday, August 7, 2013


We're in a high temp stretch for now.  We hit just over 100 F yesterday & are expected to do so for the next few days.   That's not strange considering we're in August.  What's weird are the high levels of humidity going along with the high temps.  Luckily, it's supposed to cool off again somewhat this weekend.   

It looks like we're going to need at least 1 mowing in August.  Most years we've done with mowing for almost a month by now.   This humidity is making mildew & mold a problem & really screwing with my sinuses.  I'm having do laundry more often, to keep anything damp from mildewing. 

Things that like humid, hot days; grass, fleas, mildew & mold.   None of which I like.  I wish there was a yard sized dehumidifier.  24 days left in August.  Hopefully, most of the heat will stay with it.


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