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Friday, August 2, 2013


I forgot to bid farewell to July & say hello to August.  Better late than never, I suppose.  Weather-wise, July was an exceptionally mellow month.  We had at least 3X more rain than our normal rainfall totals.  The still green grass attests to that.  The month wasn't so easy on some of my roomie's friends though.  Summertime can prove intense on personal issues.  So, it was nice having you July, hopefully you'll be this pleasant next year.

Here's to August, a brand new month.  Hopefully, the mild Summer weather will continue.  I have an appointment with my specialist mid month.  There's a birthday in their somewhere.  Other than that, this month is fairly quiet for us so far.  Just have to wait & see how that goes.

So, once again, until next year July.  Greetings & salutations August.


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