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Saturday, August 3, 2013

OMG! It's Soup...

When I got up this morning it was hard to breathe.   I was still sitting by fans, so I wasn't yet aware of the hell that awaited me.  We had errands to run this morning once the bank opened.  I got around a little early & decided this morning was probably my best bet to spray weed-killer around the yard before the next possible round of rain.  

I was out there 10 - 15 minutes tops.    All I did was hold the weed-killer container & wave the wand back & forth.   I circled the yard, the fence line, some bushes & finally the house.  By the time I finished, I was drenched & could hardly breathe.

It may have been in the low 80's F, but the humidity was in the upper 80% range.  It was like swimming in warm soup.  It wasn't even 9:00 & I was drenched, raspy & exhausted.   I still had errands to run.  

The errands were ran & bills paid.  We got home & ate.  I've taken a shower & that may be all I do today.   this sucks.


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