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Monday, August 26, 2013

Another Monday...

Not much going on here.  We went shopping this morning & that was the only thing on the had-to-do list.  I'm hoping the heat & humidity don't soar today.  I'd like a day when 87 F didn't feel like it was sitting at 105.  

For a while now Monday nights have been a good thing for us.  TV's been fun.  There's been American Ninja Warrior.  Which should be called bios of unknown athletes who will soon suffer horrible crash & burn situations before being discarded.  Then there's Get Out Alive with Bear Grylls.  Which should be titled, which one of them is going to kill that asshat Bear Grylls.  Finally, the event of the season.  The show so bad, it's good, Siberia.

Unfortunately, those shows will be ending soon & Monday nights will be back to being boresville.  At least for now there's some fun stuff.  Have to enjoy it while it lasts.


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