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Monday, August 12, 2013

Need To Move A Bit...

Sometimes you just need to get out.  That was us yesterday.  We aren't always capable of it, but some days we just have to get out of the house & do something out of the routine.  Routines & regimens are necessary, especially for the chronically ill.  But, they can be seriously irritating & depressing.

The weather is starting to cool off again.  It looks like for the next 10 days we'll be in the upper 80's & lower 90's.  Unfortunately, we have fairly high humidity levels expected as well.  So, it'll feel like 110 - 120.  I'd rather have the upper 90's & low humidity any day.

I thought the lower temps this Summer would be easier on me.  They've been easier on our electric bill, but cost more in mowing.  The high humidity this Summer has trounced me.  I've felt worse this Summer, than I have in years.    The wetness has made the fleas, grass & mold flourish.  My sinuses have been a wreck all season.  My stomach is such a mess, exercise is damn near impossible without fear of hurling or a diarrhea episode.  The high dew points have left me concerned about a gout flare up.  I will seriously be happy when the temps, humidity & dew points drop.  This season has been a hard one both my roomie & me.  


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