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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bye Bye Baby...

The last day of August is here.  The final day of my year.  Tomorrow I reset he calendar.  For me this is day # 365.  I don't mind the numbers.  I'm sort of glad to be leaving this month.  It's the month another cat passed & after this, we're on the downhill run of the hot Summer temps.

This hasn't been an easy month, but then again it hasn't 1 of the hardest either, not even for this year.   This has been an odd year for me.  In some ways it's been easier than the last couple, but in other it was more trying for both my roomie & me.  

I'll be grateful for the less than hellish weather August usually brings.  I'll be thankful that no major issues with machines developed that demanded immediate attention happened.  There were some close calls, but nothing imminent.   You've been a fairly good August, until next year,


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