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Friday, August 30, 2013

Letting Go...

Well, it's time for me to let go of another activity I have.  I hate to do it.  I don't have a lot to do & I have a tendency to hold on to things to long.  But, it's time.  This thing started moderately diverting, then slowly devolved into work & frustration.  Diversions are meant to entertain or distract, not aggravate.

For me, these things become habitual.  They pass the time. Letting go of it means I have to come up with something else or deal with the empty time.  

Like I said, it was time.  This activity had become a serious nuisance.  No one needs an unnecessary irritant in their life, so it had to go.   Still getting used to not doing it, but it'll work out.  Sometimes, things just have to be gotten rid of to make your life better.


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