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Saturday, August 24, 2013


Summer is on the downhill run now.  In less than a month we'll be into Fall.  Hopefully, it'll be a more normal season.  I was hoping 2013 would prove to be easier than 2012 & in some ways it has  However, there's been a lot of stress this last year.  None of which was wanted, needed or helped in the least.

These last couple of weeks have been getting better.  It's awful to say, but with the passing of our cat, Fluffy, things have gotten easier.  There are none his messes or worrying about him now.  The amount of agitation he caused was immense.  I hate that,  he was an old cat, but still it was hard to handle him towards the end.  I'm just looking at the perks again.   When he was here, we had him & his issues.  Now the issues are gone, but so is he.

Life can really be rough at times.  I'm hoping for the best out of Fall.


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