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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wow... It's Nice Out...

We had hella' rain & it knocked the temperatures back down.  Yesterday we didn't even make it into the 90's F.  Today we're supposed to be just into them.  We had a good & productive time yesterday.  I'm always a bit leery of Fort Smith trips.  

These trips have a habit of developing issues.  There is always the possibility of idiotic traffic on the way over there, since the locals refuse to 4-lane the road.  There's always some old asshat who thinks they know how everyone else should drive.   Shooting those people should not be illegal.

Productive trips have a tendency not be just that, productive.  If we go looking  for something, suddenly it's like the thing never existed.  Or it turns out not to be what we needed at all.

We're always cautious going to movies.  They're damned pricey now & the thought of wasting $ on a crappy movie is nerve wracking.  We've been lucky with that issue for a while.  Then again we read just about every review possible before deciding to see a move in the theater.

There is also always the threat of car issues.  Did a tire go?  Did the radiator go bad?  How about the fuel pump? Etc...

Somehow, though, everything went pretty well yesterday. I'm really glad it did too.  We needed to go & really needed for it not to suck.  For that I'm grateful.


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