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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Feeling Slightly Better...

I'm slowly getting passed the holiday crap, even though my neighbors shot off more smelly fireworks last night.  The weather is still relatively pleasant, especially for July in Oklahoma.  I'm sleeping well, but waking up tired.  My sinuses are not happy campers right now.

We have an old cat in our home & he's being a tremendous source of stress right now.  A less nice cat person would probably have had him put down by now.   As annoying as his sanitary habits are, I can't really justify offing him over them.  Besides that cost $.  So, he lives to shit another day.

I'm in sort of a weird place right now.  Not good or bad, just odd.  I'm not sure why.  I feel like I should be on the go, but I don't really have anywhere to go or the desire to do so.  I'm antsy but not really anxious.  Weird, I know.  I go to listen to music, but nothing seems to suit me.  Maybe, I'm just being picky.

Maybe tomorrow will bring something more diverting.  Hopefully, it won't be bad.  Sometimes, I really do feel like a leaf waiting for the wind to blow.


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