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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Weather Issues...

I talk about weather a lot because it can screw with like nothing else can.  When I blogged yesterday I felt pretty good & was going about my business.  An hour or so later a weather front moved through & it dropped me.  I felt like crap & didn't feel up to doing anything.   A few hours later & the front passed through & I started feeling better.  

Today, I'm doing OK, even though it's back to being a bit brisk outside.  It may not be this way for everyone, but for me there's very little of my health weather can't impact.   The weather can alter allergy & mold levels.  It can make the dew point raise high enough for my feet to warn me of a potential gout flare up.  It makes me achy, stiff & tired.

The funny thing is, I read things like this all the time from other people.  But, when you mention it to your doctor, half of them look at you like your crazy.  I think weather related health phenomenon pisses some doctors off, because they can't control it.  They can't prescribe a pill for it.  I'm sure sure pharmaceutical companies are trying to develop a weather pill for the world.

It's just strange that in a matter of a few hours I can go from feeling pretty good to crappy to alright just because the weather changed.


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