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Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day...

Today is Memorial Day in the US.  It's supposed to be a day to remember fallen soldiers.   To many, if not most, that's only part of it.  Many look at it as a day of remembrance for all the dead.   Some say it's a day to recognize those who have fought in whatever way to insure our way of life.   For many, it's just a day off from work, with no mail or bank service.  Oh yes, I mustn't forget, it's a day to cook out or BBQ.

For some, any reason other than soldiers is a cause to become irate. I wish they'd find their own sandbox to stay in & leave the rest of us alone.  Whatever today is for you, I think it's good to remember those who came before you from time to time.  I think it's good to have get-togethers & go outside for some communal munching. 

Whatever today brings for you, I hope it suits your needs.


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