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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Normal Tuesday...

My roomie's uncle posted he got home in Colorado safely.  We're getting back into our normal routine.  So far, May is being very pleasant.  Last year at this time we already had the AC on & the temps were over 100 F.  There isn't much going on here today.

The articles I'm coming across mostly deal with comorbidity of illnesses with HIV.  Being infected with HIV & 1 or more STD's, TB &/or Hepatitis strains is becoming a common issue.  This only stresses the need for testing & education in regards to these illnesses.  

I guess it's going to be empirically interesting to see how all these illnesses interplay with each & the phenomenon that emerge due to their mutual presences in the body.  Won't be such a treat for the people infected, but that's the way it goes as long as these illnesses run rampant.

The word for today is, Comorbidity.  You don't want it.


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