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Monday, May 13, 2013

Holiday Weirdness...

Yesterday was Mother's Day & for some people it's just another awkward holiday.  It's an honorific holiday   For many people the honor is well deserved, for others not so much.  The day is strange for some though.

It might be difficult or odd for a person trying to become a mother or have lost their mothers.  I'm not trying to become a mother & even though my mother just passed 2 years ago, we hadn't been close in years.  We hadn't even spoken since the 80's.  So her death for me was more of a formality than a finality.

The people I had lunch yesterday were a different story.  Within the past several years they'd lost a mother & a grandmother.  My roomie's uncle had lost his mother & sister.  For some, I'm sure this was a time to rejoice & commemorate, for others it's peculiar, nostalgic & maybe even painful.

It's days like these that can take a toll on you without you even really understanding why.   If you're chronically ill & there are days when you're sideswiped by emotion due to a loss or just the nature of the holiday it causes stress.  It's just another thing in your life you didn't need.  It may seem silly something like can impact your health, but it can.  

For all of those who had a good Mother's Day, I'm happy for you.  For those that didn't, my hopes you find comfort go out to you.  To me it's just another day when people by cards & gifts.   Great commercialism, huh?


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